Eggplant Automation Cloud Network Configuration

The Eggplant Automation Cloud server creates a reservation system that provides controlled remote access to your systems under test (SUTs). Using the Eggplant Automation Cloud reservation system is straightforward. Setting up the system initially, however, requires a solid understanding of the existing network in which you will deploy it.

The Eggplant Automation Cloud server does not define the network; it exclusively manages TCP/IP connections by using port forwarding on an existing network infrastructure. To configure the Eggplant Automation Cloud server, you provide a list of the SUT IP addresses and ports that you want to manage. Users can connect to the Eggplant Automation Cloud server web interface or use Eggplant Functional or Eggplant Manager to view available SUTs and create reservations.

In most network configurations, the port forwarding of connections works without any additional configuration beyond installation. However, you should keep the following aspects in mind:

  • When an Eggplant Functional or Eggplant Manager client makes a reservation to a SUT, the IP address of the client is recorded and only traffic from that IP address is allowed to connect to the SUT for the duration of the reservation.
  • Because of the way the reservation system works, it's important that the traffic between the Eggplant Automation Cloud server and Eggplant Functional, Eggplant Manager, or other VNC clients does not run through a proxy server that will disrupt the network traffic.
  • We recommend (although it is not mandatory) that the SUTs live in a private network accessible only to the Eggplant Automation Cloud server. This configuration prevents users from bypassing the reservation system and connecting to SUTs directly. It's possible to mix network types and have some SUTs inside private networks and other SUTs outside.
  • It is also possible for clients from external networks to access the Eggplant Automation Cloud server. This type of connection requires that any intervening routers properly forward both web traffic (default port 8080) and VNC traffic (default ports 5900-6000) to the Eggplant Automation CloudEggplant Automation Cloud server and not to the SUTs directly. In this configuration, the Eggplant Functional client would specify the external address of the appropriate router.


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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